Patience is a virtue

I know we have heard this phrase plenty of times. Our elders say “don’t rush things”, “your time is coming”, or “you have to wait”. Most of the time it could have been a contest we wanted to win or wanted to do something that we were to young to do. Question is now: What about adulthood?

As adults, we work, have responsibilities and want to live a certain life style. We have an attitude that things need to be quick and in our hands immediately but like our elders said “you have to wait”. Just because you have to wait does to mean u sit on a stoop and count sheep, no you have to continue to work hard to have what ever it is you have lined up.

If it’s a relationship that you want to have, don’t worry even though you haven’t met him or her on the first few dates doesn’t mean he or she doesn’t exist. It can be many factors to why you weren’t aligned to meet yet or if you have met, possibly the opportunity isn’t right at that moment. Just don’t give up, keep bettering yourself and it all will work out.

If it’s career decisions, that too will work out. Rather it’s a business you are starting, that dream job or promotion, it will be your turn soon. You will be successful and it all does come together. Keep trying, don’t give up.

Patience is a Virtue….

Experience brings experiences

Experience=experiment and the lessons taught/learned

Haven’t we all been there? We have been told don’t do this or don’t do that but it doesn’t click unless we try it anyway.

I do believe that somethings do need to happen so we can have the experience and hopefully learn from it. So then we can share what we did wrong, reflect and not make the same mistake twice.

Do you agree that experience bring experiences?