World MS Day🧡🧡🧡

May 30th, World MS Day! It may just be a day for some but this is a battle for others and myself everyday. What is it? MS is a disease that affects the Central Nervous System. Lesions can be founds on the brain and spinal cord due to the myelin being damaged for reasons we don’t know. This causes symptoms such as numbness, nerve pain, dizziness, the inability to walk, slurred speech, fatigue, blurred vision, double vision, memory loss, and more. No two people with MS are alike because it’s very complexed. MS is also considered an invisible disease because like myself, in the first stages, you can do your best to disguise it. However, it does progress and many of our warriors can need walking assistance devices or could be wheel chair bound. Unfortunately, in the Last stage, like many other brain diseases, the brain can be so damaged that eating, caring for yourself and speaking, slowly diminish away 😔 I’m praying for a Cure so that no one else has to endure this horrible disease…. so if you know someone battling the disease please give them a high five or a hug 🧡 I stand proud as a Warrior and we will continue to Fight!! M S.. made Strong! 🧡🧡🧡

Nicole Cherise

You will be fine

Sometimes, we tend to forget that things will be ok. We may be experiencing something very difficult and need a resolution. We may not like the outcome at first but we WILL be ok because we learn to adapt.

We adapt to situations for survival. Things will not always go as planned, that’s why we learn from actors to improvise in the mean time.

I’m currently going through something right now where I feel as if my back is up against a wall. No matter how good I may be, or how cooperative I appear, it’s just not enough for some. The truth is I Know my worth while others don’t. So as frustrating as things may be, I keep reminding myself that ” I will be ok”.

So will you Friends!! You’re not alone, in fact, most people don’t have it all together. Tell yourself this: “I know this situation may not be in my control or it didn’t go as planned but I Know I will be ok!

Hang in there friends! I’m here if you ever need me ☺️

Nicole Cherise ♥️


Note to Self! Some days are better than others but being a Queen isn’t optional. Yes, the crown can tilt but don’t allow anyone nor yourself to take it away from you. Carry yourself accordingly my Queens!

Shed the Layers with your S/O

Please shed your layers to your significant other. It is extremely difficult to try to figure someone out when they continuously keep on their shields.

I know many stay on defense mode because of past relationship failures and mistreatment. That is understandable, however, you can’t fully commit to someone without giving your true self. True self includes your beauty, flaws, dreams and nightmares etc.

What I’m writing isn’t Law but something that I think is worth a chance. For all you know, you could be missing out on a beautiful companionship all because you don’t want to seem “Soft” or “weak“. Think about it.

thanks for reading friends!

Nicole Cherise !

It’s ok to apologize..

Some of us have the biggest issue to admit that we can be wrong or did wrong. Nothing is wrong with apologizing to help the healing process of broken relationships. Nothing is wrong with being the “bigger” person and to decide that you would apologize to calm down the hostility.

Think about it… life is full circle and we aren’t meant to walk this earth forever. Could you imagine if something happened to a loved one or friend and you were speaking because of a PETTY situation? Or because Both parties were too prideful to come to speaking terms. Sigh….

I pray that many can achieve this act one day before it may be too late.

thanks for reading!

Nicole Cherise ♥️

Don’t waste it

A mind is a terrible thing to waste is a quote I heard often as a child.. therefore, let it grow.

How does it grow? Reading, continue to learn and be accepting to Newness. Is this easy? For many, the answer is No. Even though life throws us curve balls, eventually we can excel and get that home run!

Grow on friends!

Nicole Cherise ♥️

My Mother’s Day Thoughts

Mother… the hardest task, but most rewarding job. Sometimes, I sit and watch my son running around and I just smile because I’m so grateful that he’s here.

Many pray for the opportunity to be a mom after years of trying to conceive. Many women are physically told that they can’t conceive or won’t be able to carry a baby. These are women who still walk past us with smiles to hide their sadness, they attend baby showers left and right, some have anger issues, some have lost children as well… yet God chose me?

My Mother’s Day Thoughts are for us Moms to remember the process. Be grateful to have our little ones. Be grateful that no matter how difficult the ride may be, it serves a deeper purpose and we are you blessed. Many would trade places with us in a heartbeat. I, too, must remember this when I get frustrated.

Continue to do our hard work, stay committed and loving. Our future depends on it.

Happy Mother’s Day to all I’m this Role

Nicole Cherise ♥️

Try not to live in the Past

You are so much better than your past.

Your past doesn’t dictate the person you are today and you shouldn’t allow others from your past to tell YOUR story.

Allow your Lessons to lead to Blessings friends.

Have a great day!

Nicole Cherise ♥️