They know them but not intimately…

Hey great people!

Have you ever been in this position before? It’s not easy but something we have to remember is that our significant other is known and different to others in their lives.  

In other words, you know your mate intimately, their parents knows them as their son or daughter and friends know them as a friend. Those categories are not the same and you really can’t get advice from the different parties. That does not mean that family and friends couldn’t listen or give two cents, but take it like a grain of salt. 

Nicole Cherise ❤

You are not alone 

Who will remain by your side after it all? You’ve gone through a hell of a week. You’re tired. You’re fed up. Who will be there when you need it most?

Many feel that they are alone, yes, depression is real. I’m here to say as overwhelming as it is, please don’t give up. Hold on to your faith, keep your loved ones near. They got you, I got you, We got you. 

Nicole Cherise ❤

Let your light shine through your darkness

Hi, Great People!

We all have a past that haunts us. We all have experiences that people can’t and won’t forget about us.
Through our darkness, we can bring light to our current situation. Our past and shortcomings doesn’t determine our success or future. Often, the enemy, will make us believe that we are nothing and won’t amount to anything. Friends, that is far from the truth and is NOT your reality. 

I urge you to dig deep, use your darkest days to create brighter ones. Help the next person who is struggling as well. Link up with a community of individuals who battle what you battle. With patience and support, you Can turn it all around. 

Blessings to you all, have a good Monday!
Nicole Cherise ❤

A MS Warrior’s Son

That’s right baby boy! One of my “why?”. Stephen Jr, you are one of reasons why I can’t let this ugly disease take over me. Thank you God for letting me be his Mommy! 💁🏾👦🏽 #nicolecherise #mysonshine #mswarenessmonth #iwearorangeformymommy #multiplesclerosis