They can’t handle your growth

During our life journey, the goal for many is to evolve. We are being more nurturing to ourselves and growing. Not everyone can handle our growth nor do they want to encourage it. Don’t fret though. It’s ok to have doubters, let that be the motivation that WE NEED to keep going!

Nicole Cherise ♥️


Are we truly taking the time out to Breathe? Are we trying to create a Safe place for our hearts? Do we even know how our traumas from childhood affected us into our adulthood? Prayer, meditation, exercise, writing, reading… Do what it takes to bring some peace to your hearts and Souls. Then let the Growing Begin

Nicole Cherise ♥️


Are we truly taking the time out to Breathe? Are we trying to create a Safe place for our hearts? Do we even know how our traumas from childhood affected us into our adulthood? Prayer, meditation, exercise, writing, reading… Do what it takes to bring some peace to your hearts and Souls. Then let the Growing Begin

Nicole Cherise ♥️


Are we truly taking the time out to Breathe? Are we trying to create a Safe place for our hearts? Do we even know how our traumas from childhood affected us into our adulthood? Prayer, meditation, exercise, writing, reading… Do what it takes to bring some peace to your hearts and Souls. Then let the Growing Begin

Nicole Cherise ♥️

The glimpse at winning

We can’t assume that it came easy or free! Many of these people are living the life that we want to have but it took blood, sweat and tears to get there. These people failed many times, received one rejection after the other but didn’t give up.

Has this been you? Have you had a moment when you saw the CEO and their car? Or maybe that power couple on the ultimate baecation. Yes, it’s all beautiful and achievable. Just remember, what’s for you is for you and your time WILL come.

Continue to work hard so that you can play hard! Don’t give in and don’t give up!

Thanks for reading,

Nicole Cherise ♥️

It’s your story

You Are the Author. You have to describe the details. How can someone else truly know the depth to YOUR character?

We can all get writer’s block, experience many times of uncertainty, often question “What are we doing with ourselves?” and so on. However, don’t throw that towel in, regroup and Continue On!

You got this. I got this. We got this. Let’s not give up on ourselves 💪🏾

Thanks for reading friends!

Nicole Cherise ♥️

Motivational Monday: the Sunrise

Happy Motivational Monday friends!

I know Mondays can come in tough especially when we had a busy weekend and a pending busy work week ahead. I, too, have to really push myself as well but today was different.

I over slept today, had to rush to get my son ready for preschool and as we were waiting for his bus, I saw the sunrise. It was at that moment that I picked him up to view it as well. Now, I know you may be thinking what’s so special about that? It’s special because I haven’t been feeling well.

Ever since the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, my left leg has been on and off weak, I’ve been experiencing nerve pain in the left side of my head and a new recent issue with my ear. I have not been able to HOP out of the bed, I’ve needed walking assistance during the first steps after getting out of the bed. Also, as I held my son watching the beautiful sky, I realized that I haven’t been able to hold him for that length of time the past couple of weeks. Therefore, I immediately thanked God.

As a Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Warrior, I have to be grateful for those moments because the disease is unpredictable. I’ll feel great now then a hour later, it can go down hill again. On today though, I had another chance at Life. Just as the Sunrises, I know many are fighting their lives just to see that and I won’t take that for granted. I’m here for a reason, another opportunity to succeed while the sunrises for my soul. If you’re reading this, you too had another opportunity at the hustle and bustle of life.

Friends, I hope you have a wonderful week, I’m grateful for your support and I’m here to support you as well!

Thanks for reading!

Nicole Cherise ♥️

To overcome failure

It happens. We didn’t make the goal or missed the opportunity. For some, this is where depression can set in, this is when we “settle” or become resentful towards others.

We have to remember the late Aaliyah’s song “Try it Again”.

We have our paths and have to learn to use the obstacles as motivation. Continue to be ambitious. This isn’t easy but we are in this together friends! Let’s work!

Thanks so much for reading!

Nicole Cherise ♥️

Yes, you can

Happy Saturday friends!

Just a quick mention of the importance of being determined. 

Determination, is making a conscious effort in doing something. When we are determined we made a decision for a Reason or a Purpose. 
No matter what you may see or hear, stay on course. The obstacles will come, the hard work is necessary, but the outcome weighs much more. Don’t give up!
Enjoy your weekend!

Nicole Cherise ❤️