Real recognize real 

When you start to create a plan for a business or new adventure, we often share this with our friends. Now, some people won’t always support you until you are “on” or are already have a buzz going and sometimes you shouldn’t always get upset about that. The truth is, they are human and feel that they will believe it when they see it. However, to try to believe in you being successful or giving motivation is one way to know your friend is really your friend. 

I often to say: “when one friend win, we all win”. Seeing a best friend accomplish a goal, motivates me to aim high as well. There is no room for jealousy or envy. They worked hard and it paid off! Real friends sometimes can see your talents before you and that’s something that you can’t take for granted. 

To my friends that support me and are waiting for me to take that leap of faith, I thank you and appreciate your love and support!

Take advantage of every moment you get

I took this picture at the gym after getting off the treadmill and leg machine. Now, I don’t go as often as I’d like but when I can I do. My shirt says Warrior because I believe that’s exactly what we are. 

Stay strong friends. No matter what battles you are currently facing, just know you are not alone and you Are strong! 

Nicole Cherise ❤️

Motivate your Monday

Hi, great people! Thank you for stopping by! 

It’s President’s day and I’m off from work. Whenever I have time off, I tend to do a lot of thinking. I think about my goals in life, my family, my health and what steps I need to get there. 

What about you guys? Do you make goals for the week and find the time to execute them? Yes, we all get busy with Life but remember, your needs matter. We get wrapped into our families and jobs, but tend to forget ourselves. 

I encourage you to write down one of your goals. Share it with someone (that could be me 😊) and let them hold you accountable. Once you achieve it, I guarantee you will feel so proud of yourself.

Thanks for reading friends! Please feel free to follow me on my social media pages which are listed under “widgets”. 

Nicole Cherise ❤

Surprise Surprise

This weekend, I was suppose to be in Philly visiting friends but ended up at JFK airport on a flight to Tampa. 

My support system had been keeping a big secret from me for months until now. A great man named Donovan Smith plays for our favorite football team the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. I’m friends with his sister and he’s knows about my battle with MS and is a follower of my blog. He felt that I was an inspiration, so much that he flew my husband and myself to Tampa, handled all hotel accomadations, sent welcome videos from some of the players, gave us a tour of the Bucs training facility and field passes for today’s game!

I’m beyond honored and humbled. It’s good to know that I do inspire people. I don’t take this blessing for granted and I will continue to live with the purpose that God has instilled in me. Thanks for reading!

Nicole Cherise ❤️

Feel good Fridays: when your prayers have been answered

Hi friends! Happy Friday and Memorial Day weekend to you all!

I know everyone may not be religious or share the same beliefs, however all has been in this position. We can agree that when you have been so patient and your desires come to reality, it’s an amazing feeling.

I’m telling you friends, do not give up on your dreams. Continue to hold on to your faith and your dreams because it will work out. Everything will play out according to plan. In the meantime, hold your head up!

Thanks for reading!😁

Nicole Cherise 

M.M: encouraging your loved ones to pursue their dreams, encourages you as well

Hi all! I hope you all had a good weekend. I want to Congratulate all the graduates! I’m so proud of the seniors graduating high school and higher education graduates. As many were giving congrats wishes to them, I paid attention to the people who made the decision to enter programs as well.

When your family and friends follow their dreams, it has an impact on you because you want to have that sense of pride that you accomplished your goals. That doesn’t have to mean attending college because college isn’t for all (academically and financially), but it’s taking the steps to do more with yourself. 
I tip my hat off to you all, I’m so happy! We are getting closer to our dreams and achieving our goals. Hold on and keep going!
Nicole Cherise 

Motivational Mondays: we should stop putting age limits on our Goals

Hi friends! Happy Monday and new week to you!

The link above is video shared my Idris Elba. He asks people the question, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” of course, many laughed and states that they were grown up, however when do you stop growing? 🤔
We all have had dreams or goals we want to do, but we reach a point where we just put that dream on the back burner. Is it because it didn’t happen by the age we wanted it to? Did “life” happen? I’ll be first to admit that when I was younger, I wanted to become a wife, mother and Psychologist. Professionally, I want to obtain my doctorate degree and I wanted to open a family center to help all people. I feel like once I was diagnosed with MS that was a curve ball that wasn’t expected. I began to concentrate on other things that were more important, family. Steve and I got married and we eventually became parents. So, I’ve achieved two things, but I still haven’t accomplished the final piece. Once I stopped putting age limits on stuff my mind changed. Once I said I don’t know if it will happen, now it’s I WILL get my cherry on top, God willing. 
We also have this attitude that if we don’t do certain things by certain ages, we either failed or will never accomplish them. I feel a lot of television and fairy tales are the cause for this. We have this thought that by this age, I should finish school, I should be in my dream career by that time, this age, I should get married or at least fall in love, I should have kids by this time in life, I should own a home/condo at this point. We place pressure on ourselves and it hurts when these things aren’t fulfilled. 

Imagine if we as a people could just live. Imagine as we are growing and evolving, we can say I’m ready to take the leap. Instead of family and society filling our heads with time limits, we take our time and just worry about ourselves and our creations. This can be us friends, we need to make that choice. 

What are your thoughts? Thanks so much for reading!
Nicole Cherise

Motivational Mondays: life’s truths

Hi friends! Hope you had a good weekend!

You see this quote above? It’s the truth and a fact of life. For some of us, things that we want can come easy and to others it seems like the struggle is unbearable. I say to you that anything worth having is worth the struggle, the blood, sweat and tears. Hang in there!! Keep going!!

Thanks for reading 😁

Nicole Cherise