One lesson to be learned

I struggle with this a lot because I’m still at a place in life where other’s thoughts and words matter and can affect my day. It truly shouldn’t and I’m aware of that and I wear my heart on my sleeve so it doesn’t help.

One thing that my therapist and many others say is that you can’t let others have control over your emotions. No one, should be able to control my feelings, how I think, or why I make the decisions that I do. So, with that being said, I share with you ways that may help if you struggle with this issue like I do.

  1. Don’t take EVERYTHING personal.
  2. Most talk a big game, but can’t follow their own advice.
  3. They are HUMAN not a higher power.

I’m sure there additional ways that can help but those are my top reminders for now. What about you?

Do you have techniques on ways to protect your peace?

Thanks for reading! Have a great weekend!

  • Control

    This happens quite often. We like to be in control and have control, but we really Don’t. We tend to believe we have all the answers, but what happens when you hit that brick wall and begin to break down?

    The anxiety and panic kicks in and we can feel lost. I say to you friends, it’s ok to NOT have all the answers. You CAN be wrong. You’re human and will make mistakes. Humble yourself, chill out with the arrogance now before you don’t have any other options but to.

    Reminder, you’re not alone, you got this.

    Nicole Cherise ♥️


    Hey beautiful people,

    You ever looked back over past situations and thought about how thankful you were because of the outcome? The hard times you experienced and how Far you have truly come and what You’ve become? I do too.

    Quite often, especially when I’m in midst of the storm (as mentioned in my last post), I try to keep things in perspective and know that there is good present. Our cognitive thoughts has a big effect on us and with little reminders that our Story isn’t over yet can be helpful.

    This is one reason, I’m able to still find some joy and happiness despite battling MS, and grieving for my loved ones. I know that with my faith, I’m not alone. I know that I’m not taking the Brunt of the Battle. I’m human, you’re human, we have to take it one day at a time.

    I hope this helps someone today. I know what you are currently experiencing is tough but you’re tougher. It could seem like you will never find happiness but with finding Peace, happiness can follow. You have a meaning regardless of what you’ve heard. Please, hold on.

    Thank you for reading!

    Nicole Cherise ♥️


    Emotional Days happen.

    MS symptoms can try to take over my spirit. Being a wife, a mother, a scholar, and a hard worker can be overwhelming. I’m sure many of you have felt the same. I’m here to tell you that victory is ours.

    This picture was taken after crying my little heart out but a crooked smile was able to surface. I continued to think about my “why?” and I was able to wooo saaa and calm down. I pray that you all can find reason to smile after your storms. I’m here for you if you need me ♥️

    Thank you for reading,

    Nicole Cherise ♥️

    The weather

    As a child, I never quite understood how older people could tell it was going to rain or when they said “It’s cold, I can feel it in my bones”. It’s funny how life happens because now I say similar things!

    Since being diagnosed with MS, my body lets me know if the humidity is high, if it will rain, and if the temperature is very cold. I experience leg weakness during this time, numbness in toes and sometimes very painful nerve pain. As I type this post, my left big toe is curing numb and I’m having nerve pain in both legs. It really sucks.

    However, the show has to still go on. On days like this, I still have to be wifey, mommy and assistant supervisor at work. I pray to God for strength, as tears may flow down my cheeks and slowly get it together. I know there are others who experience this and more. There are other warriors with physical ailments and mental issues that can be thrown off due to the weather.

    When it rains, it pours. I wish, I could cut back some of the storms, but unfortunately that can’t happen and that’s Life. How we choose to manage IS up to us.

    We can let the weather take over us and our spirit or we can dance in the rain and view the rainbow that follows.

    Thanks for reading,

    Nicole Cherise ♥️

    Your word is your Bond

    If it’s one thing that irks me, it’s someone that doesn’t live up to their word. People say things in the heat of the moment, make promises that they know they will not keep, and just talk to talk. So, how do we handle this?

    First off, we have to lead by example. You can’t complain about others if you don’t apply the same principles. Many people want so much but don’t put in half of the work. If you know you can’t do something, do not commit to it. Be honest within yourself and to others.

    Second, try not to have high expectations, but remain hopeful. I realized that the more expectations that I have with someone, sometimes, I was highly disappointed. I believed every word and promise. I guess it was naive of me to do that because I know that no one is perfect. I always kept that sense of hope that if I did my best to uphold my word that others would do the same for me. Selected individuals DID indeed live up to their word which in return forced me to do better also.

    Friends, do you experience this also? Have expectations of others and get let down? Or have you made broken promises? If so, what did you do to handle it better? Let me know below!

    Thanks for reading!

    Nicole Cherise ❤️

    The past

    The Past,

    A point in time that we can’t change or erase. Some past experiences can be a lesson to us or a burden. How we move on, is our choice. I urge for us all to learn the lesson, execute in our current lives and continue to LIVE. We are the driver to our destiny friends, no one else. 

    Nicole Cherise ❤️

    Ain’t I enough?

    I’m a proud black woman. I respect my roots. I appreciate the hard work of my ancestors and all who died in sacrifice so that I can have a chance.

    When I decided to “find” myself, it was college. To this day, I’m still growing and creating myself. Everyday I look in the mirror, I see cocoa skin, a broad nose, full lips, dark eyes, kinky hair, curves and scars from the birth of my son. Some days I feel high in my element, but other days not so much. 

    The battle of acceptance battles with American beauty and Black beauty. I need to conform. I need wear straight hair via relaxer or weave. My kinky roots are considered nappy by blacks and not “professional” by others but how? This is the strands as they grow from my head just like any other woman that has natural straight or wavy hair. So, I only look my BEST when it’s pressed or long down my back?
    Now, I can care less about what techniques other black women do to maintenance their hair. I encourage healthy routes regardless of the choice. Even women, play on each other when it comes to beauty. Team this, team that, but getting played by the same system and men. 
    What you Don’t see when you look at me: A woman of Faith, a Wife, a Mother, a sister, a friend, a Scholar, a woman who battles Multiple Sclerosis and works hard everyday. I also respect and encourage others to do better and find better in themselves. 
    So I ask you, Ain’t I enough? 

    They don’t stop the grind

    You will notice that you have doubters or lack of support from many that you care about. You also will notice that you get more love and support from strangers. Can this hurt your feelings? Of course it can but you MUST keep going. 

    As the saying goes “the dream is free, the hustle costs”. Don’t let lack of support, stop you from meeting your goals. Is it a hurdle? Yes, but if you worry about self, you will achieve it. Good luck to you, keep grinding. 
    Nicole Cherise ❤️

    Real friends?

    It’s truly sad when friendships end over petty drama and a big ego. 

    We are human, therefore, we are going to disagree. Yes, some can go below the belt but never should it get to a point that communication stops. It makes me wonder, was the friendship genuine? Was it one-sided? Or just convient for one? 

    I’ve been there before. It does hurt but you will be ok. Time waits for no one and life goes on. Keep your head up and keep it moving. Surround yourself with genuine people who love you. 

    Thanks for reading 

    Nicole Cherise❤️