Where is the love Wednesdays:the necessity to have someone vs improving yourself while being single

Hi all!

I come across conversations like this often. Would you rather be in relationships that fail all because you don’t like being lonely or would you take the time to better yourself and remain single?

 So much comes along with relationships and one thing to know is that doors should be closed before opening a new one. Many times the reasons why new relationships dissolve quickly are because lessons Not being learned, not being completely over your ex and comparing someone new to your ex. So, if all of these things can happen, why put yourself through the headache and just take your time? The answer is, people don’t want to be lonely. At a certain point in life, no one wants to be the “third wheel” or always single with no date to the invited dinner party. People want someone to share an intimate companionship with a person who isn’t a relative or friend. It just saddens me that people would go through all measures of drama and heartache just all for the sake of saying “I have someone”.

Why not take the time to better yourself? is what I ask. A friends once told me that she took the time to date herself. When I first heard that it made perfect sense. With dating you are learning about the other person. If you date yourself, you are truly taking the time to evaluate yourself. You learn your flaws and strengths; likes and dislikes; you pamper yourself for your self. I advise people often that self love is the best love. There are certain happiness that people expect to get from a potential mate, however, you need to find your own happiness first. When you better yourself, and you meet someone, your life could be at a better place mentally, emotionally and physically. 

What are your thoughts? Do you think it’s easier to be single and rediscover yourself or is it easier to be in a relationship just for the sake to have someone even if you are still damaged?

Nicole Cherise 

Motivational Monday: do you invest in yourself?

Hey all, Happy Monday!

Today’s topic is: do you invest in yourself?

We all have dreams and goals that we would like to meet but do we invest in ourselves to achieve this? This can be career goals, finances, relationships or just personal maintenance. 

Why should we invest in ourselves? It creates positivity and growth. For example, if you are working to become an entrepreneur, investing in yourself would be attending workshops or seminars. When a person attends workshops and seminars, they are amongst others who are trying meet the same goal, you have networking opportunities and the ability to learn from those who are experienced in your skill. Those are all positive things to help guide your way to success. 

When you invest in yourself, you become a better you. People will see your confidence and believe in your dream as well. We all have skills and by investing in ourselves, we are taking our skills from good to Great!

You can do it friends, I believe in you. 

Nicole Cherise

Where is the love Wednesdays: support goes a long way

On Monday, I let some people get a hold of my emotions and I grew angry. Unfortunately, I posted my anger on social media and I felt justified. My mood shifted  once a friend from high school noticed that I wasn’t in my up-lifting spirits like usual. She told me that my positive posts meant a lot to her. That really made me smile because even though I do want to encourage others, she really encouraged me and having that support is a blessing. 

Friends, support goes a long way. When you support others and have support its proof that you are not alone. We All have issues that are very similar to one another yet we quickly put each other down. We should show more love and kindness because it’s good for the soul. Make love not War. 

So let someone know they are appreciated because you never know how much that little bit of encouragement can help. 

Nicole Cherise

Motivational Monday’s: keep working towards your dream

I know and understand that there are some who have to work harder than others to accomplish their dreams. I too, get frustrated when I think about my student loan debt, and the need for more financial resources, however it’s important to not quit. 

We will be told no, actually quite a few times and I truly believe after the “no’s” a yes WILL come. It’s doing the actual foot work that makes the difference. Even if it means taking baby steps, make it your business to set short term and long term goals. 

Keep working friends, don’t give up on your dreams. I believe in you.

Nicole Cherise

Feel good Friday’s: don’t forget to….

Some times we are involved with so many things and wear too many hats that we forget to sit back and breathe. 

When I say breathe, I don’t just mean to exhale. I mean to “do you” as well. All work and no play isn’t great for the soul. If we spend all day just working and not reflect or enjoy the opportunities that surround us, life will quickly pass us by. 

So it’s Friday! Feel good and enjoy each moment. 

Peace to you all!

Nicole Cherise 

Where is the love Wednesdays: no support from loved ones and/or friends

Hi all,

This is a topic that has been weighing heavy on my mind lately. I feel it is sad that when you are doing something positive or starting a new venture in life, those who are the closest to you aren’t as supportive as strangers. 

Friends, please don’t think that just because you do something that everyone has to respond all the time because they too, have lives. However, if you show support, it’s natural to want it back. Sometimes the issue is : people would rather support you when you are “on” meaning you already reached a successful peak. 

My advice to myself and to share with you is: believe in yourself. We shouldn’t wait on the validation of others to know we are doing something right. Not everyone will cheer for your success but can easily cheer for your downfall. Stay humble and stay true to self, and the rest will work out regardless of who’s support you don’t get. Stay blessed friends, stay motivated.

Nicole Cherise

Motivational Monday’s: Your Passion

Passion… We all have it but are we Pursuing it? Most of the time we are not following our passion or living out our dream and it’s because we are scared. We are scared of failure and scared of success. 

What I suggest is to do your pros and cons list. Pros of what would and could be great if you followed your dream; and cons of what won’t work. That way it’s in your face and you can make a clearer decision. 

Regardless of what the passion is, a hobby, second form of income or new career, don’t settle yourself short. You can do it and you will, just make that decision to leap. Hope that helps!

Nicole Cherise 

dear mommas 

Dear Mommas,
On behalf of your children who are adults and/or have become parents ourselves… Thank you. 
We didn’t realize as a child how much you loved us but we do now. At times when you were sick or extremely tired, you still managed to do everything without a question. There are times when you need a break from us but can’t because we need your support to carry out our lives and unfortunately we were to ignorant to say thank you. 
We didn’t realize that your complaining and nagging was to teach us to do better than the mistakes you made. We didn’t realize just how worried we made you when we did things we had no business doing. We also didn’t realize how mean we could be when we said hurtful things and how you may have cried about it behind closed doors. 
It’s now that as an adult, now as a parent, we KNOW just how much you Love us.
So, mommas who feel unappreciated, or that your good deeds are done in vain, please don’t. A lot of us knucklehead kids just take a bit longer to realize it. We love you, we thank you.
Nicole Cherise