Hun, don’t forget you’re human

The saying “Being Strong is the only option” is a True inspirational statement. However, I believe we need to add: “but don’t forget that you are human”. Many of us are raised by people that we see as strong and they taught us to keep it together when trying times come.

We aren’t always advised to cry it out, or to seek therapy because society associates those things as a sign of weakness. The reality is, society does not want us to be Vulnerable. The interesting thing is that being vulnerable comes from our inner emotions…. Emotions something we are born with.

From birth we learn to cry to get the attention of our caregiver. When we feel uncomfortable or scared we seek protection from our caregiver (you can check out Bowlby’s development theory for that). Why does that change as we grow? As stated previously, as we grow our caregivers want us to be strong and I believe it’s because we won’t always have them to protect us from this world.

As a woman, I can say this IS a struggle for me daily. I’m sensitive, empathetic, prideful and strong, but I get overwhelmed because I want to do everything and be everything for everyone. I want to be Wonder Woman for my family, but often I fall apart. Wearing so many hats and masks does take a toll on our mental well-being but yet it doesn’t matter until we have a breakdown.

I’m learning that it’s ok to NOT be ok and It’s ok to voice that. We are wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, grand daughters, cousins, teachers, nurses, lawyers, ministers all in one and so many depend on us to be that for them. These same people need to understand that we Are Human too. For many of them, this won’t be easy for them to understand, but it’s vital that you make them understand your needs.

Ladies, I hope this resonates you to acknowledge that it’s ok to need a “time out”. You are human, and deserve to receive the love and support that you desire. Hold on, don’t give up.

Thank you for reading!

Nicole Cherise ♥️


They are cute, handsome, adorable, and so cool but when does that shift happen? The shift of them becoming a threat? A Target? A menace? My heart aches for the grieving Mothers who had to bury their sons due to injustices that have lingered for centuries. Enough of turning the other cheek. It’s time for many to admit that Wrong is Wrong. If you can say that “All Lives Matter” then, you “Should” be outraged as well. This is not a hatred post, it’s a MY SONS’ Reality Post. #nicolecherise #mysons #godson #socialinjustice #justiceforgeorgefloyd

Nicole Cherise ♥️