At a stand still

Have you ever felt that your life was at a stand still? As in you don’t know if you are going or coming? I think we all have been there and it can easily become depressing. So question is how do we get out of that funk?

1) Have a vision of what you desire- most of the time when we are all over the place it is because we don’t have our visions planned out. Some believe in making vision boards filled with pictures of what they want to have. If you place it somewhere that you see everyday, it will constantly stay in your line of vision and you will do what it takes to get those goals accomplished.
2) words of affirmation- writing down positive thoughts about yourself or listening to positive self help recordings can also be beneficial and encouraging. If you feed yourself positive cognitions, the better You.
3) surround yourself around positive people- that is as simple as it gets. Try not to associate with people who bring negativity to your space or those who are “Debbie downers”. Hearing encouragement from your inner circle will truly do wonders.
4) prayer and/or mediation- many search to their religious beliefs to pray or practice some sort of calming ritual such as meditating. You are able to clear your mind, let go of stress and Breathe.

These are just few suggestions to getting yourself “out of a funk”. It doesn’t just happen over night so expect to travel the distance and not a quick sprint.

Do you have any other practices that help you get ” out of a funk”?

Later Beauties,