Take a Pause

Raw Post….

Sometimes it all seems overwhelming and annoying. The fatigue, nerve pain, headaches, wobbly legs makes me feel extremely exhausted.

However, at this moment, I took deep breaths and counted reasons why I will be ok. Is that what we lack? Not taking that time to just breathe during our hectic lives?

As a wife, mom, MS enthusiast that’s working, I realize the importance of “me” time and needing those moments.

I hope you all find ways to just be in the NOW. Despite our health or mental challenges, remember We are stronger than we think. I’m here ♥️

Thank you for Reading,

Nicole Cherise♥️

Like a tree

Never saw a tree like this in Long Island. I thought they were mainly in the south. I guess I’ve been under a rock lol 🤣. Taking the time to admire its beauty during “fall” temps, gave me a sense of calmness. The way the leaves swayed as if it had its own dance moves gave me peace. To think the amount of storms the tree went through but it’s still standing strong. Lately, I have not been feeling my best (up and down with weather change/post partum body changes) but like this tree, I know I have to still show up and stay strong. I hope you can too my friends. Not every day we are super strong, but you continue to keep going, you got this 💪🏾.

Thank you for reading,

Nicole Cherise ♥️

It’s your story

You Are the Author. You have to describe the details. How can someone else truly know the depth to YOUR character?

We can all get writer’s block, experience many times of uncertainty, often question “What are we doing with ourselves?” and so on. However, don’t throw that towel in, regroup and Continue On!

You got this. I got this. We got this. Let’s not give up on ourselves 💪🏾

Thanks for reading friends!

Nicole Cherise ♥️