My heart aches

I’m beyond upset about the racist, terrorist shooting at an AME church in Charleston, SC. 

Ruff plotted for 6 months to start a race war. The members were in a prayer meeting and nine of them lost their lives to this horrible human. To add insult to this devastation, some news reports REFUSE to address that this was about Race. Huh?? How does someone say “I’m here to kill black people” not be about race? 

I too, attend church like many others and this truly scared me. This can happen any where and with any religion and it is wrong. I’m keeping the families of the victims, the church,the Charleston community, and our country in prayer. 

Nicole Cherise

Where is the love Wednesdays: picking your battles

Hey everyone! It’s Hump Day but on my blog it’s “Where is the Love? Wednesdays”. Today’s topic is picking your battles.

When you and your significant other have decided to have courtship; you’ve decided that you both are committed  and are working towards getting engaged then married. This time period you both are madly in love, spend plenty of time together and have learned each other. When I say learned each other I’m referring to knowing:

  1. What he or she likes/dislikes
  2. Their strengths and imperfections 
  3. Their goals in life (family,career, personal etc..)
  4. You also continue to see the beauty in him or her and the not so beautiful aspect as well. 

With that being noted, couples will clearly bump heads about things. Even the “perfect pair” will have arguments. Rather it’s big or small, arguments will come but which ones are worth having is up to you. I always advise friends to pick your battles in their relationship. The last thing you want is to be feuding with your partner 60% of your time shared especially when in two weeks you wont truly remember why the frustrations took place. 

You want to be able to have peace with the love of your life for sanity purposes too. Think about it, people every day will try to knock you down and belittle you, the last thing you need is to be at war with your sweetheart non-stop. Therefore, choosing your battles  is vital during these times. If that means you may have to take a walk, blow off some steam at the gym, say a silent prayer to be more calm so be it. Do what you need to cause less friction in your relationship so that you can effectively communicate with your other half.

I hope these tips help. Thanks for reading friends!

Nicole Cherise 

Dont apologize for your blessings or greatness 

Hey all!!

Today, I want to discuss what to do when someone tries make you feel bad for the great things happening in your life. 

We have all heard the phrase, “misery loves company”. It’s very real and true and unfortunately it can be from those close to you. You can come with the best news; that promotion you have been waiting on, ideas to start a business, getting pregnant, engaged, a home, yet they still find a way to add their complaints and make you feel bad for sharing. Some even discuss their sadness of why that can’t be them, a real guilt trip. Did it ever make you feel bad?

I can say that this has happened to me on some occasions . It seemed like every time something good was happening in my life, there was always that one person that made me feel like ” am I bragging?” or is she giving me shade because she’s mad? Either way, it wasn’t a good feeling and I shouldn’t have to feel like apologizing for the blessings I was receiving. 

So what are some tips you should do if this occurs :

  1. Don’t let a person rain on your parade. Continue to keep shining and bring more sun shine if you have to. People hate to see you happy, so keep succeeding and give them a reason to be mad. 
  2. If you want to go the encouraging  route, let them know that their time is coming and to be patient. 
  3. If the negative vibes is too much, close the door on that friendship/relationship. If they truly love you as a person, they would Not make you feel bad for the greatness that is going on in your life. 

I hope these points help friends. Continue to work hard, and accomplish your goals. The real supportive people know that when one is winning, we ALL are winning. 

Thanks for reading, re-blogging, sharing and following!

Nicole Cherise

An Enlightening Reprieve: When life says stop… you stop.

Great Blog Post!!! Go follow my girl 🙂

The Midnight Beauty


Hey Beaus and Beauties,

(That’s your new nickname in my mind. Hi Bloggers! Thank you for reading and subscribing! )

It’s midnight. I return to work tomorrow and figured now is a perfect time to drop a line or two. I slept 4.5 hours earlier today (around 5 pm) so I’m actually pretty alert. i’ll force myself to sleep in a little while so I can get started on a good foot and be in a GOOD MOOD tomorrow when I return to work.

When life says stop, you stop. And stop I did. I’ve been out of work for about 2-3 weeks recovering from surgery. Im thankful to finally say I’m feeling at least a little better now – more human and functional. i’ve learned a lot about myself in the last few weeks. I’ve learned that if you smile when you feel your worst, sometimes there is a way…

View original post 434 more words

Motivation Monday’s: using your gifts

Hey all! 

Happy Monday to you! You know it’s Motivational Monday’s and today’s message is using your gifts. 

This is a lesson that I too, am working towards doing. I believe we all have skills that make us stand out from others and it would be good if expand on it. It could be the start of your own business, a hobby or volunteering your gifts to give back to the community. 

I also believe that if even if you want to volunteer your services, it could make you happier. By giving back to others and helping them in need, that could raise your self esteem and you will feel good about yourself. 

Think about it, you never know friends. 

Nicole Cherise

If only you saw me two weeks ago

My testimony:

This week, I’ve been able to go to work and exercise. I wrote recently about my fitness goals and how I’m feeling good. 

What some of you may not know is that for 2 weeks, I walked with a limp. I was literally dragging my left leg along because I had a MS flare up. However, after steroid infusions to calm the inflammation, I slowly got better. 

God is good people. I can smile today and walk with confidence knowing that the sunshine has came after the storm. I don’t take anything for granted, especially my body. 

So to anyone out there that is battling any disease, or are caregivers; there is light at the end of the tunnel. Peace to you all. 

Nicole Cherise

Ohh baby it’s hot! Fitness goals

The summer is here, so you know what that means… Bring the Heat! 

As person with a MS diagnosis, it’s important to keep cool during the high temps. Water is your best friend because it hydrates the body so well. 

I have fitness goals and I’m excited that it’s the summer because I can enjoy the pool, walks (especially with baby boy) and gym. I checked the scale today and it read 146.5! I haven’t seen that number since I got in engaged in 2010. I want to be 140 by my 30th birthday on July 23rd and maintain a comfortable weight for myself. I plan to continue to drink water, exercise at least 3 times a week( even at home), yoga and being mindful of what I’m eating. 

Do you guys have fitness goals? 


Nicole Cherise 


Hey guys! 

Question… Does networking come easy to any of you? 

We live in a busy world and its all about who you know. Closed mouths don’t get fed, so if you seek, you shall find; ask and you shall receive. 

I will be first to admit that I freeze when it comes to networking. I am naturally a “people” person but the fear of rejection becomes my excuse. Yes, excuses is what it is. 

This is one reason to why I’ve decided to become more serious about blogging and  sharing a piece of me to the cyber world. I have hopes and dreams and Now is the time to ACT. 

How about you all? Are you having success with Networking?

Thank you for reading and sharing 

Nicole Cherise